A BIG SHOUTOUT to the handful of women who ghosted me in 2024. Thank you for not wasting my time.
Although, as you're a grown adult, wouldn't it just be easier and more humane to tell me that I'd be a waste of your time. It may sting a bit, but I get over things pretty fast. Especially when I understand that my status as a reggae steel drummer and international superstar may lead you to being on the red carpet with me.
And being on the red carpet can be pretty intimidating. So, I understand your fear. Not everyone is geared toward that kind of public scrutiny. And it must be hard to admit that kind of shyness, especially when you look so brave on your social media.
And here's to a better 2025 for all of us, superstars and everyday people. My encouragement is to take care of your childhood trauma with therapy or M&M's so you can go into the new year more likable, more inspirational, and less fearful of showing up at movie premieres surrounded by photographers.
And ladies, just because you may feel you don't look as hot as me doesn't mean I won’t spend a little time with you. I'll still treat you like a princess, or queen, or vampire, whatever women want to be treated as these days.
On second thought, dang, clear the tracks. As I write this post, maybe my lack of surety in the romance realm has left me ghosted. Uh oh. Self-realization. Maybe I have treated you as not the only star in the sky. Men are fearful of giving that kind of attention at times, because if we are fully committed, then the hurt runs deeper if we end up ghosted.
Is American culture just screwed up, and no one knows what their place in the dance of romance is anymore?
My mama treated me like I was special. Could it be I'm still looking for that? Wouldn't say I'm a mama's boy, but I need to be respected, lied to on occasion about what a genius I am, get a backrub and foot massage at least once a week, cooked a meal once a month, and told how dreadlocks enhance my masculinity and handsomeness. See, I don't demand much.
Oh, well, whatever happens in 2025, I'll always have my music. - https://ogghy.substack.com/media-links